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Multimedia dynamic teaching system
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System introduction: dynamic classroom is a necessary teaching facility for special education institutions. With the accompaniment of music, students can exercise rhythm in three ways: one is to synchronize the change of light rhythm with music; the other is to provide high quality sound quality for students wearing hearing AIDS through the buried magnetic induction device; the third is to make students feel the sense of rhythm of music through the vibration conduction of the floor. Under the single or multiple functions of these three methods, teachers can guide students to carry out gymnastics or dance movement teaching, which can make students react sensitively, move gracefully and strengthen their physique, so as to achieve the purpose of rhythmic teaching. The multi-function rhythmic teaching equipment is the exclusive instrument for interactive teaching and therapy. The teaching equipment can be used in early childhood education, rehabilitation of mental retardation and hearing impairment, etc. Participants can be completely exposed to the training system, through a variety of sensory stimulation, enjoy the learning process, and virtually enhance the ability of multiple senses.

1. Visual function: the fast and slow change of light intensity given by sound intensity improves participants' visual ability, positioning and coordination ability of hands and feet;

2. Hearing function: activate the inductance (T) of hearing AIDS (hearing AIDS and cochlear implants, etc.) through magneto-electric induction coil, and improve participants' hearing ability and hand (whole body) coordination ability;

3. Tactile function: the strength of giving instructions triggers the frequency of foot vibration, improving participants' sensing ability

4. Comprehensive ability of sight, hearing and touch: with the increase of difficulty, participants enhance their ability of attention, memory, perception and structure by seeing, hearing and perceiving.

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