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Top 10 things autistic kids would like you to know
Added:2019-07-03     Views:

Every parent who has an autistic child in their home is anxious. They want their child to be as active as any other child, and they are doing everything they can to treat their child.

But, parents, do you really know about autistic children? Know what they're saying?

These are the words a child from the stars would most like to tell his mother and father...

1. I am not an "autism" first, but a child first. As a child, I am still growing up, and neither you nor I know what I can do in the future.

If all you see is that I'm autistic, you may think I'm too low.

If I think you always think I can't do this and I can't do that, then I naturally think, "why am I trying that? I might as well give it up!"

2, my perception is chaotic, which means that the usual visual, sound, smell, taste, touch...

Details that you might not even notice are painful to me.

The world I had to live in all the time was hostile to me.

It may seem to you that I'm running away or fighting back, but I'm just protecting myself.

That's why a simple trip to the grocery store feels like hell to me.

My hearing is super sharp: dozens of people speak together, today's special is advertised on the radio, and music comes from the stereo.

Cash registers rattle, coffee machines rattle, meat cutters rattle, babies cry, fluorescent lights ring...

My brain can't filter all this information at the same time. I can't stand it. It's overloaded!

The fish at the fish department isn't very fresh, the person next to me didn't bathe yesterday, the deli department hung out salami samples, the baby at the front of the line pooped in his diaper...

I can tell these smells apart. I'm sick to death.

Because I had the advantage of vision, vision was often the first thing I couldn't stand. The fluorescent lights were too bright, and it was buzzing.

The light was so strong that everything in the room looked out of shape, as if the world were moving.

All of this is affecting my sense of space, and I don't know where I am anymore.

3. Remember to distinguish between "what I don't want to do" and "what I can't do." It's not that I don't listen, but that I don't understand.

When you call my name from a distance across the room, all I hear is," & * # % & * ".

You'd better come over and say to me in the simplest words, "Ming, please put your books away and put them on the table. It's time for dinner."

So you tell me exactly what to do now and what to do next, so that I can do what I want.

4. I'm a "dead thinker" and I'll take your words literally. Sometimes it confuses me.

Metaphors, hints, puns, polysemy, sarcasm, innuendo, etc., overwhelmed me.

Please be patient, because my vocabulary is limited. I don't know which words can be used to describe and express my meaning. It's difficult for me to make it clear to you.

I may be hungry, confused, scared, confused, but these words are beyond me.

Look for signs of body language, withdrawal, irritability, and other signs that I'm in trouble.

Or at the other extreme: I might be like a "little professor" or an "actor" reciting passages or words that are older than I am.

Those are the things that I remember from the world around me, to compensate for my lack of language skills, because I know I need to have questions and answers.

It comes from books, movies, or other people's speeches. It's called "echolalia," and I don't really know what that term means.

I knew that way I wouldn't have to answer you.

6. Because language is difficult for me to understand, I give priority to my visual ability.

Please show me how to do it, not just tell me how to do it.

Be prepared to teach me a few times or even a hundred times or ten thousand times, these continuous repetitions will help me learn.

A visual schedule helps me with my daily routine. It saves me the trouble of remembering what to do next.

This allows me to move smoothly from one task to another, organize my time more effectively, and better meet your expectations.

7, please focus and cultivate those I can do, not those I can't do. Like all human beings.

If I always feel like I'm not doing well and need to be "corrected," then I can't learn happily and smoothly.

If I try a new method and it attracts criticism, I won't try it again.

If you look for my strengths, you'll find them. There is not one right way in the world.

8. Help me learn social interaction. It looks like I don't want to play with other kids.

But sometimes it's very simple. I don't know how to open my mouth and how to participate in other people's games.

If you can encourage other kids to let me kick a ball and make a basket, I will be happy to be accepted.

I like to play games that have a clear structure and finish line.

I don't know how to read facial expressions, body language, emotions.

So I appreciate it if you've been coaching me on how to make reasonable social responses.

For example, if I see xiao hong fall down the slide and I laugh, it's not because I think it's funny, but because I don't know what the right reaction is.

At this time, please teach me to say: "did you hurt?"

Please try to find out what are the traps that make me break down emotionally. Emotional breakdowns, temper tantrums, I'm actually more afraid of them than you are, and they happen because one of my feelings is overly overloaded.

If you can figure out why I had it, you might be able to help me prevent it next time.

Take a notebook and write down the time, circumstances, people, and activities of each attack.

Maybe you'll find some patterns.

Remember, too, that any behavior is a form of communication. When I can't communicate verbally, my actions are trying to tell you what's important in my life.

Keep in mind, too, that persistent, repetitive behaviors can also have medical causes.

Food allergies or sensitivities, sleep problems, and digestive problems can all be factors that complicate behavior.

If you are a family member, please love me without complaint. Don't think, "if only he were this way," or "if only she weren't that way." cars only

You haven't lived up to all your parents' expectations, and you don't want to be reminded of them all the time. I don't have voluntary autism.

But it did happen to me, not to you. Without your support, my hope of success, my dream of independence, is very slim.

With your support and guidance, my future will be broader than you think.

I promise you that all your hard work will be richly rewarded.

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